Views Exchange Session was held with the Law students upon the IQAC, BU Teaching Learning Guidelines.

A Virtual Views Exchange Session on “Views Exchange upon the IQAC, BU Teaching Learning Guidelines-for the Students” was organized by the, School of Law, Britannia University on 22nd November 2020 at 12:00 pm via Zoom Online Platform. Mrs. Asma Akter, Head, Self-Assessment Committee (SAC), Law was host of the session.

The ultimate goal of the IQAC, BU is to create the atmosphere of Quality Culture and quality assurance in the institution through self-assessment and continual improvement. For which Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) prepared some guidelines for both teachers and students. And these were approved by the Quality Assurance Committee, BU and then sent to the UGC. According to the consequence of which School of Law organized this virtual session for the students of Department of Law to make them familiar with these guidelines and prepare them to follow these for the purpose of the achievement of ultimate goal of IQAC and the University.

The session chair was the Director, IQAC, BU and the Dean & Chairman, School of Law, Britannia University Dr. Md. Milan Hossain. The session was also adorned by the presence of the Assistant Director, IQAC, BU Tanjila Tamanna, all members of SAC, School of Law and other respected faculties of the department. The session was started with a welcome speech by the Head of the SAC, School of Law Asma Akter. Then Teaching Learning Guidelines-for the Students were presented and well explained by Ms. Tanjila Tamanna, Assistant Director, IQAC, BU through a power point presentation during the session.

End of the presentation, the session was open for the students for discussion and views exchange. The students exchanged their views by batch wise. Both the students of Honours program and Masters program shared their views. All of them gave their thanks
to let them know about the guidelines. They said that as from very earlier they followed maximum of these guidelines but now it is great to see a format of guidelines. They also promised to follow all the rules of Code of Conduct and these guidelines also. They also shared their experiences of online classes. They thanked to the Britannia University authority and Department of Law to make them confident and capable for online class system. They all believe by the hand of IQAC and SAC, they can do their best for the development of University.

After the students views exchanging the members of SAC, Law and other respected faculties ( Shadika Haque Monia, Lecturer, School of Law; Mohammad Motasim Billah, Lecturer, School of Law and Kazi Shah Paran, Junior Lecturer, School of Law) of the department shared their valuable views on these guidelines and importance of the role of IQAC and SAC. After that the session Chair Dr. Md. Milan Hossain, Director, IQAC, BU and Dean, School of Law, explained the importance of following these guidelines, the ultimate goal of IQAC, BU and role of SAC, School of Law, BU. He gave some valuable suggestions to the students about the outcome based education, online classes, examination, code of conduct and concerned many others. At the end of his speech he thanked to all the students and faculties to make the session a successful one.

At the end, it is our pleasure to share that the students were very much grateful to the IQAC and SAC for their outstanding works and to the Department to make the online study process easy for them.

  • 22 November, 2020
  • Virtual workshop on